Jim - January 29, 2021Larger Image
1970s view from the bluffs in Castlewood before it was a State Park. The field across the river is now overgrown with trees.
Jim - February 11, 2020Larger Image
1970s Lone Wolf Club on New Ballwin Road in Castlewood, now the location of the Wildlife Rescue Center.
Jim - July 13, 2012Larger Image
Late '40s Pontiac abandoned by the remains of a house located west of Castlewood near the tracks. Photo is from the mid 80s, don't know if the house or car are still there. See house in more photos.
Jim - July 12, 2012
Front steps are all thats left of a house that sat on the bluffs overlooking the river. The house was torn down when the state bought the land to create the park. Today there is a park bench where the house was. I don't remember if it was this house or the one next to it but the renter didn't leave quietly. He didn't want to leave.
Jim - July 12, 2012
The structure in the photo was built to supply water for the club houses in Castlewood. The wood roof and steps on the side were removed when park opened.
I have heard two stories as to how it was filled. One that water was trucked up the hill. The other that it was pumped from the river or maybe they're both true.
If you have photos from before the roof was removed or info on the construction and operation of the water company, please share it with us.
Jim - July 10, 2012
What are they? Located on the trail down river from the beach in Castlewood State Park.
Jim - May 28, 2012
My house the way it looked in 1978. The house was built in 1921 and sold to me by the original owner. He had stories to tell about weekend parties and how all the guys would sleep in the unfinished upper level while the girls slept on the first floor.
Jim - May 28, 2012
The stairs from Castlewood to the train station and the river. Photo was taken in the mid '80s.
Jim - May 28, 2012Larger Image
March 2008 flood.

Jim's Photos

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